jueves, 17 de mayo de 2012

A time of silence and future

It's been a couple of months of silence. But it has been due to the silence of business, struggles and experiencing God's true presence in the midst of all this. In the moments of greatest needs in our lives is when we feel that we are drowning and we need more our Lord. Yet, in this sometimes overwhelming silence, He our good Lord, is in gentle work in our hearts and we must trust Him, His goodness and all His character revealed attributes. We walk by faith and not by sight.

Ahead of me there are many challenges. Please partner with me as you pray for this upcoming season and the responsibilities along with it:

  1. Titus Project June 2012: I have the responsibility of leader the next training program that will start on  June 4. The training time is three weeks of intensive training on The heart of a Bible Teacher, How to Prepare and Present a Lecture, The importance of Application, Preaching, Inductive Method, Learning Styles, Reaching Oral Communicators, Bible Overview and other topics related to Bible teaching in missions. After the training time is finished, the participants will leave with a team leader on outreach through Taiwan to equip churches, leaders, small groups and believers who don't have access to sound Bible teaching. This is exciting but we need God's strength, wisdom, guidance and the work of the Holy Spirit to transform people's lives along the way, using us, holders of this treasure in jars of clay.
  2. Personal: I am currently in a time of seeking God in my personal life and seeking His will and direction for the present and the future. I need your prayer and encouragement during this time. A small note on facebook, email, twitter, this blog, whassap (yes! missionaries have access to whassap when we have free wi fi)! Any word of encouragement will be greatly and gratefully received.
  3. Titus Mongolia 2012: I will be pioneering with a team in Mongolia, Titus Project in Mongolia. This are exciting times considering that this nation was just reached with the gospel and had their first believers only 20 years ago! If you want to partner with me in prayer or financially, please contact me. I need to get my plane ticket soon but God was faithful in our first missionary journey there last January and I believe this next time will be even greater!
  4. Returning home for furlough: I am planning and hoping to return to Dominican Republic for a couple of months around late october through late december this year. Please pray for God's provision, health to be strong and healthy to do all the work in between this season and the next one.
  5. Anything the Lord brings to your heart: There are some obvious prayer requests that God might be placing in your heart. Please take one minute and pray for those. He is a faithful father and he hears our prayers. We serve an AWESOME GOD!
I want to thank God for your faithfulness, friendship and the blessing of calling you a partner in ministry because by your help, encouragement, support and love I can do what I do, but much more, I can be more like Christ. A big and warm THANK YOU!



La forma apropiada de leer este blog, es con los ojos puestos en el orquestador, director y dador de la vida: DIOS. El es el centro. El es el Propósito. El es el Principio. El es el Final. Proclamar su nombre es nuestra meta.

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