jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

DAY 3: Inductive Method Overview

This morning our speaker is Sandra Chang. Sandra is sharing a model lecture on how to teach the inductive study method. She is demonstrating this lecture as if her audience is a group of high schoolers and teenagers.

Please read "I don't read my Bible enough, from author Ron Smith" How many believers haven't read the whole Bible during their lives?  75%.

Why to read the Bible? What is the purpose? Beyond a mere religious practice because is on your check list or in your new year's resolutions, there is a higher reason. God has a purpose for man. He revealed himself to the first man and woman created. He abode with them in the garden. He walked with them. Just to reveal himself. However sin, entered the world and that changed man but did not change God. So he gave his word, first in a verbal form and second in written form during more than 1500 years, and that is what we have today.

Illustration after illustration for the three steps of the IMO (Inductive Method Overview) model lecture: Observation, interpretation, application, Sandra has kept engaged all her hearers in a way that all the information has been received but much more awareness of the importance of studying God's word and doing it well , this challenged has been received by many hearts.

Amy has continued the teaching in how to illustrate the IM:

"The best teacher is the best thief"-Sean Ellis. Don't feel bad in using properly, but give credit to quotes, phrases and other references.

Although this is a model lecture, we have been graced with the way that Sandra has delivered it to us. I am challenged to teach like her. Wholeheartly. Caring her audience. And caring about God's character and heart being know by His people. For His glory alone.

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