miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012


Today we started our day led by Danika following our Titus Project journal meditations. Hebrews 11:1

Why do we feel nervous when teaching? What is it that we are more scared about? You can take a minute to think about this. 

Some of the answers we got were:
  • Boring the people
  • Missing the point
  • Having no point
  • Verbally processing during teaching and not make sense to the hearers
  • Not to be able to answer the questions
  • Losing control of time
  • We are afraid of looking stupid
  • We can be afraid of saying the wrong things
  • Afraid of teaching heresy

God's word is to amazing and we are so little? Responsibility of teaching right God's word? Amy shares how is good to have a healthy fear of the Lord.

Steps of preparing an excellent lecture (not meaning a perfect one!) include: Consider your audience, choose a book or topic, study and collect resource material, set goals and objectives, mind-map your ideas, determine your lecture sessions, structure your lecture, illustrate your lecture, write your lecture.

A very important note is to give credit to your references, quotes, commentaries and other peoples ideas, thoughts and words. Honor them!

In Titus outreaches we have received these real questions from real church leaders and pastors:

  • "If my wife gets old, can I get a younger one?"
  • "What is wrong with having many?"
  • "What is wrong with going to a witch doctor? I used to do that all the time before being a christian"
  • "Can I pray for someone to be saved after they die?"
  • "My culture says I can't eat pig and white ants ? Why can't I do that?"
  • "How much money do we have to ay to get baptized? How much Jesus paid to get baptize?"
  • "How do I teach and preach from the Bible?"
Would you pray, send us or go and teach these real people? God cares for them. And we are willing to go. I am willing to go.

In the meanwhile I am also in the process of worrying myself in my visa renewal to Taiwan which expires just by the time I have to leave for outreach (but I don't want to be homeless in Asia at my return, though that may be a good title for a new blog!)

Michael and Amy Stevens are the leaders and founder, respectively of Titus Project, a ministry of YWAM (Youth With A Mission). They have been in missions for more than 15  years and serving in Taiwan for more almost 10. Their 4 children are blond kids with perfect chinese language and culture within them

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